
1, 2 & 3 John is unavailable, but you can change that!

1, 2, and 3 JOHN are epistles written by one who was a close companion of Jesus and the last apostle to die-John. John was a part of Jesus' inner circle. He was one of the three disciples that Jesus took with him to witness his transfiguration. At the Last Supper, John was the disciple sitting next to Jesus. And John is thought to be the disciple Jesus loved. Surely, no human knew Jesus better...

of God’s character. To “live in the light” requires constant contact with God and no tolerance for dishonesty, hypocrisy, or sin. Living in the light pictures a life of complete transparency, with no attempts to conceal anything from “the Light.” To “walk in the light” (as it is translated in NIV and NKJV) cannot come from imitating other Christians; instead, it comes from continuous effort to take on Christ’s qualities. This involves complete transformation from within. COMING OUT John wanted
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